Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Assignment due November 29th, 2011

This assignment is simple. Choose one of the aviation topics that we have already addressed and update the topic since the time we've addressed it. A link. Three comments. That's it. Due on Tuesday, November 29th, 2011.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Assignment due November 13th, 2011

We have researched various aspects about the domestic and global aviation industry, but we haven't really look into the people that influence the industry.  This week's assignment is to select one individual who is currently influential in the aviation industry and answer the following questions regarding that individual:

1) What company/organization do they work for? What is their position?
2) Give a brief background about where they work as well as a brief job description.
3) Why do you consider this individual influential? List two specific ways they have contributed to the industry.
4) What is the background of this individual, i.e. resume items?

This person can be from any sector of the industry, domestic or global.
Have a good week!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Assignment due November 8th, 2011

We all have heard that opportunities in the global aviation industry are abundant.  For this week, I would like you to address 1 out of the following 3 topics:

1) China's aircraft manufacturering
2) China's GA/corporate industry
3) China's airline industry (domestic and/or international)

Regardless of which of the above topics that you choose, please address the following:

1) Current and future status
2) Current and potential impact on the equivalent US industry
3) Potential job opportunities for both management and flight students

Don't forget to include and integrate at least one link, as well as comment on three other blogs and send those comments to me via email.  Because I'm getting this out late, this assignment is not due until Tuesday, November 8th.