Monday, December 5, 2011

Assignment due December 7th, 2011

Sorry all - completely forgot that I didn't post this, although most of you got it from class. Here we go:

-What do you ultimately want to be when you grow up?
-Not only define the position, but also the specific company. Why this position and company?
-Include a general overview of the sector of the industry that this company is included in - exp. if you would ultimately fly for Walmart Aviation, have a discussion about the corporate aviation sector.
-Although most of you will select something in aviation, this is not a requirement.
-Include a link.

Be prepared to discuss in class. Due Wednesday before class. I'll drop the comment requirement for this week.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Assignment due November 29th, 2011

This assignment is simple. Choose one of the aviation topics that we have already addressed and update the topic since the time we've addressed it. A link. Three comments. That's it. Due on Tuesday, November 29th, 2011.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Assignment due November 13th, 2011

We have researched various aspects about the domestic and global aviation industry, but we haven't really look into the people that influence the industry.  This week's assignment is to select one individual who is currently influential in the aviation industry and answer the following questions regarding that individual:

1) What company/organization do they work for? What is their position?
2) Give a brief background about where they work as well as a brief job description.
3) Why do you consider this individual influential? List two specific ways they have contributed to the industry.
4) What is the background of this individual, i.e. resume items?

This person can be from any sector of the industry, domestic or global.
Have a good week!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Assignment due November 8th, 2011

We all have heard that opportunities in the global aviation industry are abundant.  For this week, I would like you to address 1 out of the following 3 topics:

1) China's aircraft manufacturering
2) China's GA/corporate industry
3) China's airline industry (domestic and/or international)

Regardless of which of the above topics that you choose, please address the following:

1) Current and future status
2) Current and potential impact on the equivalent US industry
3) Potential job opportunities for both management and flight students

Don't forget to include and integrate at least one link, as well as comment on three other blogs and send those comments to me via email.  Because I'm getting this out late, this assignment is not due until Tuesday, November 8th.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Assignment due November 2nd, 2011

Regardless if you are a flight or management student, some of you may be interested in the corporate aviation industry. We may not have a guest speaker from this sector of aviation this semester (still trying), but I still want you to gain some information about the corporate world. For this week's blog assignment, please complete the following:

1) Select a corporate aviation department of your choice. It does not have to be a local company, but obviously can be one.
2) Answer the following questions by finding the information via internet, email, phone call or personal visit:
       -Basic company details - what they fly, how many planes, how many employees (flight, operations and management), who they fly etc....and anything else that may seem relevant, such as "do they have a 135 department as well?".
       -Job description/minimum requirements (s) - Write the job description/duties/minimum requirements for hire for one flight position and one management/operations position.
       -Job logistics - Write about the job logistics for both of the jobs you listed above including things such as work schedule, benefits, salary (if they are willing), job progression (such as upgrade time) and anything else that may be interesting.
       -Current/future hiring - Discuss current and future hiring planes for the above positions.

If the aviation department has a website, please include that as a link as well.

No comments are required this week. 

Have a nice weekend and Happy Halloween (if you celebrate it)!
Ms. Wall

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Assignment due October 23rd, 2011

The cover of a recent aviation publication reads the following: "The New Space Economy is Getting Real". Without reading the article, determine what you think this sentence is referring to. Also, answer the following questions, backing your answers with facts.

1) What will space travel look like in the next 25 years?
2) What will be the role of NASA in the next 25 years?
3) What will be the role of private companies in space travel?
4) What is the current purpose (compared with the historical purpose) of space travel?
5) Do you believe that this purpose is a benefit or cost to mankind?
6) What are the possible career implications to the current direction of space travel?

Two links are required in this assignment. Be sure to integrate your links in your discussion. Also, do not forget to comment on three other blogs and send those comments to me via email.
Have a good week!
Ms. Wall

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Assignment due October 16th, 2011

Emissions Trading Scheme.

To some, the first thought that comes to mind is that ETS will reduce carbon emissions and therefore, decrease ozone depletion. To others, the first thought that comes to mind is COST.  Currently, Europe requires all carriers to comply by 2012. In response, the US has a bill (HR 2594) in the house that would actually prohibited US carriers from participating in the EU ETS.

Please address the following in your post:
-Explain ETS - how it works, how the collected money is allocated
-What is the conflict between the EU and the US on this issue?
-What is the potential impact to the US aviation industry if US carriers are forced to participate?
-Do non-carriers, such as US corporate operators, have to participate?

Finally, what do you think? Should US carriers be required to participate? If so, how? As it is currently laid out or a modified version? If you believe that US carriers should participate in some way, how should the collected money be allocated?

In addition to the article passed out in class, please read this brief description about a company, Universal, who is preparing to meet the demands that ETS may have on US carriers.

Also, please don't forget to email me your comments. Have a good week!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Assignment due October 3rd, 2011

Two commercial planes have recently made their debut - the A380 and, more recently, the B787. These aren't the only new aircraft that airlines have recently placed orders for, but they are arguably the most unique and unlike other planes currently being produced.

Your assignment is to pick one of these planes. Discuss their history, their stats (including stats about the airplane, but also stats about standing orders, future orders, who has them, who is getting them) and why they are different from other planes. Also, discuss what you believe to be the plane's overall impact on 1) the manufacturer, 2) the competing manufacturer and 3) the industry. Finally, discuss the impact these planes may have on your career, if any.

Reminder: Assignment is due on Sunday. Entries posted after this due date will receive a grade reduction.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Assignment due September 25th, 2011

We all know that the ATC system needs a makeover. Most of us have at least heard of "NextGen".  In this blog assignment, demonstrate your knowledge of NextGen, including technology changes and ramifications to the users.

Two of the biggest concerns are Cost and Who is Going to Pay. After defining what some of the costs will entail, both for the users and for the government, discuss who should pay for what and why. Should the operators be responsible for all aircraft costs? Should they be subsidized? What about the operators of GA aircraft? And who should pay for the overall system, including ATC centers and equipment? All tax payers? User fees? If user fees, how should the user fees be charged? Same across the board or dependent on type of operation?

Same specifics as all the other assignments - 3-5 paragraphs and a link that you include in your discussion.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Assignment due September 18, 2011

September 11th, 2001 impacted the world in many ways. Arguably, the aviation industry has been impacted more so than other industries...and this impact has come in the form of lengthy and detailed security measures.

What is the cost/benefit of these measures? Are they really making the aviation industry safer or do they exist merely for public perception? Are there holes in the security process? Can the US perform these security measures more efficiently? How will existing and future security directly affect your career?

In class, we read two articles - "Terrorism's Impact on Business Aviation" from Business and Commercial Aviation and "Known Crewmember Launches" from Airline Pilot.  Hopefully, these articles will get you up to date on the security measures of two sectors of the industry - the business aviation and airline industries. In addition, please read this article about security measures at Israeli airports and how they differ from security within the US.

Again, you can approach this topic however you wish. The questions/topics above are only asked to get the wheels turning. The only requirements are to have one link and write 3-5 paragraphs. To clarify, please integrate your link in your discussion. Also, please make sure your links are to credible sources, and if they are to an article, make sure it is a full-length article -not just an abstract.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Assignment due September 11, 2011

One hot topic in aviation is the ramifications of automation. Are pilots losing important manual skills due to an over-dependence on automation? If the computers fail, do the pilots have the skills to recognize the failure and execute an appropriate recovery? If a problem with automation exists, what are possible solutions? Word on the street is that pilots should thought of more as "computer operators", rather than the historic "pilot". What do you think? How will this redefining of skills impact your career?

Flight students, in addition to the research and articles that exist, you have direct experience with automation in your training aircraft. Much of the current research is conducted on transport aircraft pilots, but what about pilots of GA aircraft? What about your experiences?

Management students, while you may not have direct experiences with automation in the cockpit, you may eventually have some direct input into the solutions. What are some possible solutions? What are some of the concerns an airline manager may have when implementing these solutions?

To both: Or do you think that over-dependence on automation is not really an issue? Do you think that focusing on this as a reason for some of the current accidents actual diverts attention away from other valid problems that need attention?

To get a basic idea of the topic, please read the following articles:

AvWeb - "Should Airline Pilots Fly More - Or Less?"
APImpact - "Automation in the Air Dulls Pilot Skill" 

Again, you can approach this topic however you wish. The questions above are only asked to get the wheels turning. The only requirements are to have one link and write 3-5 paragraphs.

Have fun!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Assignment due September 5th, 2011

Your first assignment is to create a blog following these steps:

1) Go to

2) Hit the "Get Started" button.

3) Fill out the required information. Your "display name" is the name that will come up as your signature when you comment on other blogs. You can use your actual name and pick something else. Remember to keep it professional and preferably aviation-related if you choose not to use your actual name. Also, you will be required to create a blog name and address. Remember, keep it professional and aviation related. It may take you a few tries to come up with something that isn't already taken.

4) Select a template. Don't worry if you don't like the choices.  You will be able to change this at some point if you'd like.

5) You are now ready to write your first post!  In the upper right corner, select "New Post". Title it and type away.  Your first assignment is to 1) Create the blog and send me the address and 2) Write an introduction blog post. The basics - how you got into aviation and where you are going in aviation (3-5 paragraphs). No links required in this assignment. Please complete this assignment by September 5th.

On September 7th I will pass out a list of all the blogs as well as give the first "real" topic for the following week.


Hello Everyone!

Welcome to AVT 422 Senior Seminar! My goal in this course is to give you some practical and useful tools that hopefully will give you an edge as you venture into your aviation careers...or any careers for that matter.  One way I have decided to do this is through the social media of a blog. I know a several people in the aviation world who have utilized blogs to advance their careers in various ways. Like other social media tools, (such as Facebook and Twitter) writing, reading and commenting on blogs, allows you to create a social network of aviation professionals that you may not have otherwise created. Also, this is yet another thing you can put on your resume - "aviation blog writer". I'm not kidding. As long as you keep the topics professional, many employers would be quite impressed with this initiative.

Each week I will assign an aviation topic - which I will post on this blog. In addition to career development, I also use senior seminar as a course to discuss current and global topics in aviation.  Each week you will be required to do the following:

1) Write a post about the topic, approximately 3-5 paragraphs. You have complete flexibility with this in terms of the angle you wish to approach the topic. Opinions are encouraged. You will not be graded on grammar, spelling, etc., but remember that all of your class peers (and, if you wish, other aviation professionals and employers) will have access to your blog. Posts must be up by the Sunday before class to allow time for peers to read and comment.

2) You must include at least one link about the topic in your blog.  The link must be to a reputable site.

3) Each week, in addition to your own post, you are required to read and comment on at least 3 of your classmates' blogs.

4) I will give feedback on your post each week. Likewise, feel free to leave my comments about the assignment.

5) Finally, the final exam for this course will be an overall evaluation of your blog.

Have fun! Seriously, I think you will enjoy this.